for all that i've blessed

we'll get through it! Cambi's a year old today, yay! 500+

She could tell her words had struck home and his continued submission pleased her in a sense. Cambria had always been the submissive one, always timid and shy and tucking her own tail. She found it hard to stick up for herself, but not this time. No, what had happened to her put steel in her nerves and fire in her blood and this was one subject she would never back down on. She couldn't see the D'Angelo's side of things. Not after what she had gone through and not after hearing how she blamed not only her but her mother as well. The memories of the argument before she had been taken away were blurry and disconnected, but she did remember that. That was where a lot of the anger had grown from. It was one thing to do something bad and be sorry about it, that could be forgiven. The woman hadn't been sorry though. She had heard it with her owns ears. It hadn't been her fault, it hadn't been her mother's fault, the only one at fault was the wolf who had brought that stuff into the house.

Still, even through the vindictive satisfaction, the hurt came on stronger. Looking at him like this didn't really make her feel better. Cambria didn't want things to be this way. She didn't want to feel this way around and about him, but he had given her no other choice. He was her uncle, he was supposed to protect her and instead he had done something that hurt her more than she had ever been hurt before. He started to speak again and her stony demeanor was quickly cracking, fraying at the edges quicker than she could keep it together. The pain was forcing through all the cracks and soon she wouldn't be able to hide back the tears. The fragile girl was crumbling into herself again, the explosion over, her rage used up. All that was left was how much it hurt.

His words came forth, and she only shook her head back and forth until the agony came forth in her words. "But I'm your niece," she said, her voice cracking, strangled. The dam had broken and the hot tears streamed down over her cheeks like sorrowful rivers. Her legs shook more visibly now, and she doubted she'd be able to stand for much longer. "Do you have any idea what I went though? I thought I was going to die, and afterwords I wanted to, because I couldn't be happy anymore. I couldn't feel anything but depression and pain. I never thought I was going to get better." She paused, taking a shaky breath. "Do you have any idea how much it hurts that my own zio did that with the woman who caused all my suffering? Who stole my innocence?" She used the Italian word to drive home the significance of his betrayal to her. He was her family, and he had let her down, poured salt in her wounds.


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