I shouldn't have waited...
Angel soon heard his voice and smiled seeing his face. She had heard he had left and didn't want to believe it, but was glad to see him here once more. "Hello Jefferson. Yes, I should be, but I could not keep this hidden anymore." she spoke as she turned her face to the ground as she tried to collect the words she needed to say. Shame and sadness was evident on her expressions as she fought for control of her emotions being that she was still kind of on edge since that night.

"I feel awful for not telling you earlier. We have had a breach in our borders. Not by any packs luckily. One loner. I had known he was coming when I first picked up his scent before he breached our borders, and thus I should have told you then. I don't have any excuse why I have not. Anyway, two nights ago he breached the borders and sought after me. Brutus was my ex-mate and he was insane and obsessed with me. He attacked me that night and ... raped me. Ty and Pendez came by to help and eventually Brutus died. I should have told you sooner and I apologize. If you wish to be mad at me, please do so. I deserve it at this point."

Her lack of honesty had been eating her up inside and her now falling tears showed it as the glittered in the moonlight. Her expression was shame, sadness and apologetic as she listened for the words from Jefferson and what his 'punishment' might be since she was used to an Alpha who delivered punishment for such things and especially with PTSD that she had from the whole event and even the first time with Brutus, it was difficult for her to get out of that train of thought unless she realized that she was in it which she did not in this point of time.

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