I get my lovin' on the run
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She enjoyed her pot, but there was no better high than the one the two of them were making for each other right now. Whereas marijuana relaxed and calmed her, this excited and thrilled her. It was a completely different feeling and she liked this one best. Rikka thrived on life and there was nothing that made you feel so alive as lovemaking. She did consider it lovemaking, but not in the traditional sense that most did. There was no binding connection to her partners outside of the moments they shared together, but there was no doubt in her mind that she loved them. She had loved everyone she had been with, but that didn't mean that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with them. The de le Poer had tried that once, and it hadn't worked out. This was much more enjoyable, and much safer as well. There were no expectations beyond this moment. She loved the freedom of it.

Rurik's hips arched to meet her and she gasped, her fingers digging into his fur. Golden orbs closed, her head rolling back, mouth agape, loosing herself in the feel of him wrapped inside of her. She agreed, there really was nothing better and no better place to be. He slowly began to move, even the soft friction making the corners of her lips turn upward again. As a more steady pace emerged she joined her movements in with his, both their bodies picking up steam. Her claws gently traced over his chest and torso appreciatively, though she was careful not to break the skin. Unexpectedly his hands forced her hips down as he pushed himself completely into her and a prolonged whine leaked from her throat. Oh, he was good. He was very, very good.

He continued then, and the pace was maddeningly slow, yet it felt so wonderful. Rikka leaned forward, her tongue and teeth teasing against his neck again. She tasted him like a fine wine, enjoying all the subtleties of his scent and flavor. His thrusting became more insistent and she grabbed one of his biceps. "Oooooh Rurik..." she moaned, her pulse throbbing heavily in her head. Her hips moved with his', urging him forward. Her tongue traced along his jaw, coming back to his lips and it flicked at them playfully. Heat flushed her body as they continued their sensual escapade. It could have been summer for all she knew now.


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