they say they ride horses!
FINE! Jeez fine dont let Conor exit the thread! D8< 300+

        Before Conor turned around and walked home to his Dahlia de Mai, the woman approached him. The male was already halfway turned to retreat on tense feet, but he paused when her destination was obvious. Compassionate eyes took in her bi-coloured gaze and he allowed that usual, polite smile to enter the face that moments before had held fine lines of disappointment. Her voice was soft and kind and his smile grew somewhat as sincerity leaked into it. He paused for a moment, trying to remember exactly what had been his intention when he had first come here. Ears flickered backwards as the young boy though, but he let it go without much thought, for it had not been important. ”I’m Conor Soul, and I was just exploring,” he explained softly and let his white tipped tail wave in a friendly manner. Maybe he had even found a friend, but he was too puzzled to know for certain. The boy had left in an odd way. Light eyes slowly wandered to the boy standing left where the female had been and he let his hand rise again, tried to keep up the friendliness that had dominated most of his short time here.

        ”Your son seems like a very nice person – I think I said something to offend him, but I’m not sure what,” The Dahlian looked at the adult with a face that spoke of innocence. He could not guess what had triggered the pale Aniwayan boy. ”It was nice to meet you both, but I should really get home now,” he then added, eager to leave this scene and let the pale boy get his mother back. The gold and cinnamon coated youth did not know the light hued male, but he was under the impression that Claudius was upset in some way, and thought it would be best of he exited swiftly. ”Please tell Claudius that I will visit him again soon.” Those last words were said on impulse, but now when they were said he knew that he would keep his word and visit the strange boy again at a later date.


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