the White Knight is talking backwards

For well over a year, Gabriel had had no peace. He could not wash a mother and child’s blood from his hands. He could not forget the things that had been done by that monster. More had been buried. More lives had been ruined because of his ineptitude and inability to destroy his shadow. They could not exist together on this earth, and now more then ever Gabriel understood they were destined to destroy each other. Certainly, they both intended this. When that time came, all of heaven and hell would tremble and quake.

Even now, the flames of destiny burned in his clear amber eyes. Gabriel did not delude himself from his fate. He knew his purpose. He had known it all along. “I think you need to leave,” he said bluntly, standing inside of her home as if he belonged there. He had never pushed his authority, or his ownership of the land on his members, but the wolf blood taught him well. This place was his and his alone. “I don’t want anything else to happen to you. Inferni draws trouble, and we always will.” They felt like excuses, coming from his blackened muzzle. In a very real sense, they were.

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table by sie

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