I shouldn't have waited...
She saw the expressions of regret in his face and the sorrow and she figured that this had caused him to remember something that had come up. "I understand that it was poorly guarded but it could have helped that I alert you or at least Geneva of the situation so the guard could be increased until he was intercepted. For this it is my fault. I should not have hidden it. And you are right. I should not have been afraid to come to you. I.. I am used to a pack made of nothing but respect from brutality. If I were to have come to an alpha of the same situation I would have been beaten and told to deal with it and not speak of it again or I would be told to kill the wolf and strengthen my resolve. I am not the kind to do either so I left that pack and that was after the first time he tried to claim me. He followed me ever since." Angel spoke as she wrapped an arm around her elbow and looked away for a brief moment. She looked back to Jefferson as he apologized for the event that occurred and she sighed. "Well, what has happened has been done and I know now that I must face what will come. Puppies. That is if I don't miscarry of course." she sighed. She was not ready but if she did not miscarry she would have to make room for them sooner or later.

((talked to Souls admin account about puppies and discussing birthdays, players, etc. with them. So sounds like were good atm.))

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