Unholy Confessions
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It was evening when she strolled the spring fields, a dreadful sluggishness to her step as she lumbered on two legs. Her tail was decorated with debris, fresh grass and twig. Her routine grooming was forgotten these past her days…her time was consumed with thoughts. Troubling thoughts a huntress should not have.

But they couldn’t be helped.

She was aging, by rights she was ‘old’. The clock was ticking seconds away of her life. It was a wonder this notion hadn’t driven her mad. But it was starting so…slowly but surely it was wearing away at her emotionally fragile mind. And she wanted to speak her piece before something irreversible took place. She had to speak with him again. She had to speak with Jefferson. Zynex recalled their last encounter, her need to vent evolving into an existential realization and then from it birthed a goal she had taken to heart. But she could not fulfill it…not yet, not with her mind so occupied with this…this burdening weight. By the gods it was driving her mad!

Growling she wove an anxious hand through her locks, snagging a claw within a braid, nearly unraveling the cord. She fingers favored the braid, twisting again and again the woven mane until she grew calm. The rampant beat of her heart slowed, her urge to howl in frustration subdued. She thought of the braid and that alone. She sighed softly, her lumbering step taking a more confident stride as she neared the ranch house. She knocked once on the door…waiting a short while before rapping gingerly on the wood again. All the while, her calm melted away and she stood anxiously with pulse racing.

word: 280


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