First time I broke my collarbone
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     Cambria was grateful for Anann's stillness and lack of complaint as she attended to her. It was a far cry from the time she had had to care for a cut her aunt had received while hunting. Ghita wasn't used to being administered to in that way and she had made a big fuss out of the alcohol. It seemed that Anann must be at least somewhat used to such things and it made her curious as to the other woman's background, but kept her focus on the task at hand. "Yes, I'm sure my mentor, Dawali, will teach me all about the herbs. I know I'll want to start a garden for them back home. No one else in my pack knows much about healing, so I need to make sure I have everything I'd need." Part of being a healer was being prepared to handle any injury or malady and Cambria was dead set on being ready. It was one of the reasons she had started carrying around a pack with supplies in the first place.

     It didn't really surprise the girl to hear that the woman and her horse were not from around here. She held no hint of a pack scent and as far as she knew most that lived here belonged to one of the packs. The only people she had ever met that contradicted that belief were Rurik Russo and that frightening man in the city. Anann seemed nice and sociable and she couldn't think of any reason for her to be out on her own aside from being new to the lands. "Where are you from? I was born here, in Crimson Dreams. My mother, aunt, and uncle are from across the sea though." Sometime she would love to see the land that the Marinos came from, but she would never go on her own. The only opportunity she would take were if the whole family were to go, but that seemed unlikely. Not with her mother's position in the pack.

     The stitching went surprisingly quickly. Of course that had been her intention, but it was her first real time in the "field" doing such a thing and she was pleased with how well it had gone. She tied off the end and snipped the excess off with her claw. It was true, the cut would have likely been fine without the suturing, but being where it was mean that it was prone to more stretching and tearing and the stitching would help to prevent that. Cambria doubted it would even scar much, if at all. "There we go, all finished," she said smiling. When Anann offered her a payment of sorts she was surprised. The girl didn't expect anyone to compensate her for her help, she did it because it was the right thing to do, but seeing the bags she knew they would be useful to her work. "Oh my, how very kind of you! These will be useful when I start carrying around herbs and other things." Her sea foam eyes roved over the pouches before her attention was diverted by the approach of a familiar face.

     The girl smiled at the Lt. General, hoping to belay the uneasiness that was clear in the elder fey's eyes. "I was taking a walk in the woods and I found Miss Anann, she was unconscious. I think she must have fallen from up there and hit her head. She had a cut on the back of her head that I took care of for her," the young Dreamer explained. Turning her attention back to Anann she nodded over to Anu. "Anann, this is Anu, she's the Lt. General of my pack. Anann and her horse Rem are new to the lands."


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