the White Knight is talking backwards
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There were many ways in which she was very different from her family, but there were some things that simply just ran in her blood. Pride was one of them. They all took pride in different things, but none of them liked failing at something they set out to do. When she had come back, she hadn't been sure if it would work, but she had wanted to make it work. Rikka had been set on staying this time around. But that had been before. Before the war and before Haku Soul had crushed her body and spirit. She had worked hard to find herself, and no matter how reluctant she was to give up on Inferni, she was even more reluctant to let go of what had taken her years to find.

Rikka couldn't remember the last time she had heard her brother laugh. Honestly laugh. Even if he was laughing at her somewhat foolish question, she was happy to hear that noise come from him. Some of her apprehensions melted away and she found a smile back on her own face. "I guess that was a silly thing to ask," she acquiesced. Still, she had needed to ask it. No matter how new her bond with Gabriel was, it was important to her and she didn't want to do anything that would endanger it. His concern for her warmed her, and if even he saw how she was fading away here and wanted her to go then she should. "Where should I go?" Her knowledge of the other packs besides Dahlia was painfully lacking. It needed to be somewhere that was on good terms with the clan though. Even if she was leaving she wanted to still be able to see her family.


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