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Many of the item Anann had repaired didn't appear to have seen any recent use. She assumed it was perhaps the dried and cracked condition of the leather that had caused them to be passed over. Since many of the other saddles were in fine condition. She had simply been looking for anything to distract her thoughts from returning to the past. Such had been the goal of the little exercise Rem had instigated as well.

Dark orbs continued to watch both the two horses. It was beyond her what problem Heath was seeing with the two. "Well yea I've noticed, but whats wrong with it?' She shrugged. Anann wasn't blind to the fact that Rem had become attracted to the mare. Unusual sure, Rem too was picky about the company he kept. But it was no cause for concern as far as she could see. "Besides, Rem is a gentleman anyways. He wouldn't press her if she wasn't interested." To Anann her horse was an equal, perhaps even more in charge that she was at times. The thought that she should have any say in his mate selection was completely alien to her. Or the fact that Heath might have any such concerns for his mare.

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