disposably yours
[html]<style type="text/css">#ásmundrdec29 b {color:#4b525d; font-weight:bold;} #ásmundrdec29 {margin:auto; width:455px; padding:10px; padding-bottom:150px; border:1px solid #fff; background:url(http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y199/l ... enshot.png) bottom no-repeat #8d9297; font:12px georgia; color:#bec0c3; line-height:12px; text-align:justify;}</style>

The sound of footsteps was the first sign that she was not alone in the great mansion. The girl had not spent an awful lot of time here lately because of the conflict between Dahlia de Mai and Inferni. She had not planned to spend the night in her own bed, but here she was and she found that she had missed her soft bed fiercely. Ah, was she growing soft and spoiled? She grimaced at that thought. The bed was not in an amazing shape after human standards, but curled up on a soft mattress softened further by furs and quilts, no sleeping spots could be compared. It was a good bed for a snob, and Halo was arrogant as few, in truth. The light footsteps had barely roused the resting hybrid, but when other sounds started to break in through her bedroom door ruby eyes slowly opened and attempted to glare through the wall at the enemy of peace. She still thought the mansion hers and was often angered whenever people let their cannabis smoke seep into the hallway or made sounds when she wanted only silence.

She let a few minutes drag past before she decided that she would not be able to return to her peaceful slumber. What she could do was to get up and throw insults at whoever had started her day prematurely. It mattered little what time of the day it was, because Halo slept when she needed sleep, and wanted everyone to adjust to that. Once she had adjusted her usual outfit she opened the door soundlessly and danced out of her room on silent feet. Her sword was left behind for once; she never bothered to carry it around with her when she was home in the mansion. She had half expected it to be Cotl or his brother, in truth, and was surprised when she had to continue onwards towards Silas’ room. She had barely seen the Agata male since the pack meeting, and they had not spoken. The ruby eyed woman had even pondered if he had been actively avoiding her, as they never seemed to be in the large house at the same time. She had wanted to shout and bitch about ruined sleep, but she pushed that away for now and wished she had taken more time to groom her hair.

Was he tidying his room? She found it oddly amusing, and smiled as she leaned against the wall. ”Good book?” the girl asked as she watched. Personally she read little, but books had helped her start her sword training and how to repair a gun.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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