A New Home
Lol wow! You jinxed me! XD Jk, We just moved and I have been busy with packing and un-packing so yea @.@ And omg, another small post >.<
Friskias fear washed away quickly, and she started to feel more at home. She looked at the blue hut, since she had said this was not being used. Quickly took a step and examined it, then looked at the back were a well would go. It was a very pretty color, and it was not to big and not too small.
"This looks great!" She said, looking back at her. "But you may have to teach me how to use a well...." She said, looking down at her hands and trying to figure out how they did it. She looked back up at Ember. "Are we allowed to look inside?" She asked, eager to see what possible her new home looked like.

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