It's Adventure Time!

Big Grin ((535))

This was Harlowe's first spring. He had been born in the chill of autumn, and the first things he could remember were the long cold stretches through winter, and the snow! The snow had fascinated him at first, and he had spent many chilly hours romping through it. He was lucky he had such a good mother—before he could play too much or freeze his poor little toes, Naniko was always careful to call him in, and young Harlowe had all of his wriggling digits still intact. Now, though, the springtime was coming, and the explosion of greenery around Harlowe had made him curious. This was an utterly new world to explore—vastly different from the cold expanses of snow he had grown so used to over the winter.

The creamy-furred child padded forward, heading toward the forested areas of Phoenix Valley. For once in his life he didn't have a book attached to his face, but he was rather glad to be out and exploring again. He supposed his siblings weren't so bad after all—they were D'Angelos, too, and the way Larkspur had spoken of family... well, Harlowe couldn't help but show them a little respect. Even so, the young man could not help but feel like he needed a little time to himself, and so he had bid them all a quick good-bye in the morning, slipping out and into the wide open world. He hurried away at first, breaking out into a fast trot. He loved his mother and he had to love his siblings, but he was growing itchy and constrained living in the same space with them constantly.

As he entered the forest, he detected an unfamiliar scent—there was something almost puppyish about it, but it was not one of his siblings. Naniko had told him there were more puppies in the Valley pack, born just a few months after Harlowe and his siblings. The creamy-furred youth hesitated a moment, wondering if he should pursue the strange boy or continue on his lonely way. He remembered talking to Cerridwyn and Larkspur—it had been easy with the latter of the pair, but that had made sense after leaning about their vague relationship. He had to work with talking with Cerridwyn—but maybe it'd be easier with a puppy? This thought struck him, and he turned where he was, trotting quickly after the other wolf's scent.

The problem was, Harlowe wasn't very good at tracking yet, and he kept losing the scent. There were so many interesting ones, and he wandered here and there, sniffing at the flowers and the trees and the ground. Animals had passed over this area days before and hours before, but he couldn't smell anyone around but the other puppy. Before long he came about a meadow, and he paused at the edge, peering around. A blur of movement caught his eye, and he saw the unknown male puppy, flitting about and trotting through the clearing. Harlowe waited, his tail wavering in anticipation. He hadn't ever met any other puppies but his siblings and his cousins, and there were so many of them it was kind of intimidating. Maybe this would be different!

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