Crashing Down [pack thread]
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Woohoo! Pancake time!

Note to Jenny - Jazper really wants to rescue Ghita, so go save your niece! *shakes fist* For Spartaaaa!
Wc: 627~

The frantic fae had only lingered inside the barn for a few moments before her kin's scent wafted into her nostrils. Head snapping around at a rapid pace, her optics searched for the source of Ehno's scent and voice. Once found, a mixture of relief and worry quickly spun through her slender frame. Keeping a cautious, protective eye over her brother, Ghita could only spare a nod before she spilt herself into two, worrying about Ehno being there and trying to desperately find her ailing niece.

There was some relief in seeing her brother there; the more paws the merrier. Besides, he could also pick up on some clues that she had missed that might lead them to where Cambria was. Then again, it was another member of her pack, her family that she had to worry about. The barn wouldn't last much longer, and the fae could only hope that Cambria wasn't already beyond her family's help.

Something was just beyond the creaks of the failing barn; beyond her frantic shouts and the tireless footfalls. Her ears weren't deaf to it, but there was no time to investigate; for all she knew it was a waterlogged board creaking, not anything that would help her brother and niece. A few more moments rushed by, flying past the blood pounding in her eardrums before a high-pitched whine reverberated around the structure.

Every muscle in her body suddenly tensed; The Lupus drawing her right forepaw up in a standard pointing move, ears pricked as high as the parallel tents could reach. Her head was lifted up high above her shoulders, now focusing on a different sense entirely. "Ehno! Hush!" Not caring to worry about feelings or how her snap could be interpreted, instead the fae focused on the specter of the sound she possibly heard.

And then the relief came. Ice spread down from the crown of her head to her temples, flushing her cheeks with relief that was instantaneous. Shooting off like a bullet from an angel's gun, the fae charged, streamlined in her determination to reach Cambria. She was silent otherwise, indicating nothing to her niece that she was arriving, every fiber in her being straining to rescue her auburn kin.

She was passing underneath the structure, the exact same platform that she and Amata had frolicked off of all those months ago. Had she possessed the time, moments would have been spent marveling at how the two situations could differ so greatly - one with happy, naive bliss; and the other was life and death. The ebony shadow of the structure painted her pelt a deeper hue, the aunt oblivious to the creaking that was shouting above her until it was too late.

Where Ghita had been charging moments before, now lay a heap of rubble, the remnants of the barn's platform having landed on the aunt. Solid beams of wood buried her easily, the same pelt easily camouflaging with the suicidal structure. Burying the wolfess had been so sudden, it was almost as if the pile of rubble had always been there. Ghita's choked, shocked cry had been quickly swallowed by the crashing wood, drowning everything but a yip out to even indicate that the fae had been there.

Beams of crushed, rotten wood pinned her rib cage to the floor, the bones creaking and giving way under the pressure. A hind leg snapped beneath another large weight, bending the knee in the opposite way that nature decreed. But all of the fire that spread under skin was snuffed out, covered by an ebony blanket of warmth, the welcoming peace of unconsciousness. Blind to her brother's worry, deaf to her niece's pleas, Ghita lay beneath the rubble, completely apathetic to the remaining danger she was in.


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