It's Adventure Time!
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Assuming the other luperci was simply shy, Delwyn wasn't phased at all when Harlowe sat watching him finish playing. Delwyn's open nature made him inclined to treat all as friend, stranger or no. It was a childish attitude that could one day get him in to trouble, but it was also the humble beginnings of what could blossom into true charisma. The snowball-puppy didn't care about any of that though: what he cared about was making another friend. "I'm great," he said mirthfully, "do you see those purple things over there? They smell good! I wouldn't eat them though." he added, referring to the flowers.

"Did you know there's a waterfall nearby?" He asked, his hyperactive mind switching topics faster than a mouse running from a bird, "It used to just be ice. Now it's pouring down into the stream at the top of this brook. I think we should climb up to the top. It will be an adventure!" He looked at his new friend earnestly, his shockingly-orange eyes meeting with Harlowe's. In a hushed tone, almost like a secret, he added, "One day, I'm going to be a great hero here in Phoenix Valley. Would you like to be one with me?"


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