I get my lovin' on the run
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Shall we start to wrap up? 300+

Men may have been her preference, but Rikka didn't have any qualms shacking up with other women either. In fact she rather enjoyed doing so every once in a while. Making love with another woman was very different than making love with a man. Females were often more sensual and gentle and knew those little places that it drove you crazy to be touched. There was something to be said for that, but for the most part she liked to be with men. Perhaps because her attitudes about lovemaking and commitment ran along similar lines to that of males. Rikka wasn't a monogamous creature and she didn't have any desire for a committed relationship. She didn't want to be tied down or to have her heart so vulnerable. This was the lifestyle she preferred and had no plans to deviate from.

The smell of the sea clung to his pelt and his motions reminded her of the waves, changing from slow and steady to powerful and furious. She thought it would be wonderful to make love with him in the water, that it would compliment his style and bring them to a new height of passion. Rikka sincerely hoped that they would both get that opportunity sometime, though she was very much pleased with what they had going on now. His hands traced over her entire body, giving her the illusion of an all-encompassing embrace. It took her breath away. Their lips and tongues met again and an arm wrapped around the back of his neck, holding them close. Her tongue pressed inside his mouth just as he was pressing himself into her. It massaged Rurik's own tongue and she moaned into their kiss as he gripped her buttocks and pushed further into her garden. The woman melted into their extreme connection and she could feel the pressure mounting in her loins. A golden hand traced teasingly down his side as her hips pressed against him more forcefully.


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