It's Adventure Time!
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My brain is totally pooping out on me tonight... stupid friday! Hopefully this post doesn't suck, because I didn't want to wait hehe

The hillside leading up to the falls was particularly steep. Surely an easier -and perhaps wiser- route could have been made by traveling further upstream, but that wasn't Delwyn's style. Tackling the hillside with perhaps excessive vigor, he sprung from rock to root to weed like a mountain goat. This was perhaps one of Delwyn's greatest skills: he could move through rough and difficult terrain with far more ease than one might suspect. As he neared the top, water beginning to spray in his face, he looked back with a toothy grin to see how far he'd climbed. He was as high up as some of the trees!

With one objective complete, he set his gaze on his next: The boulder on the waterfall's edge. It wasn't a particularly wide stream, but it was wide enough that it would take more than a simple hop to get far enough in. Delwyn figured that with a running start, he should be just able to make it. "I'm going out to that rock!" he shouted over the din of the stream, "We'd better not fall into the water though, it tooks pretty fast!" Quietly, so as not to be heard, he added, "Give me a hand with this one, okay Danu?"

Taking a step back from the river's edge, and then another, he took a deep breath and dashed forward. Out over the current, he sprang with all his might! ...which turned out too be far too much. He underestimated his canine-hurdling ability, and sailed clear over the rock. Twisting at the last minute, he caught the edge of the boulder just in time with his forepaws, his rear-end falling into the rapids. The pup was strong for his size, and with one last desperate heave, he pulled himself out and up.

Laughing with relief, Delwyn peered over the edge. They were high up! Delwyn looked over at Harlowe, and yelled "There's plenty of room! You want to come too?"


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