that crown don't make you a prince


The little man said that he would be ready, but Haku had his own thoughts about that. He was far too used to disappointments. However, it was already clear that the small child had something his mother did not have. Or perhaps he seemed promising because he was so young. Haku had been a father several times, but he never learned how to deal with the children he sired. He knew nothing about how they developed and functioned. It was also a big chance that little King would die in the future months as a result of the war.

Everyone would eventually let him down, he knew this. Unfortunately he could not do much with the child before that moment had arrived. ”Good boy,” the man cooed darkly again to his youngest offspring. The alpha would eventually come back to the young wolf, but he had lives to ruin. ”Tell your mom I said hi,” he added just as he turned to leave. Tokyo seemed to accept the role as single parent well, so he would leave her to it. She did not have the ability to turn a child into a monster like him though. That was what he would do.

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