
Magic! ;D
Word Count: 386

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

He shrugged in return for hers and spoke no words, though his face expressed the body-linguistic equal of the word "true". She was right, and already he had thought out a few changes he would like to see. Until this point, most of the patrolling had been performed by himself, but with greater danger he would like to see shorter shifts and more people. It mattered little if you patrolled the borders but weren't awake enough to do anything should danger arrive. As he unpacked the contents of the bundle, he nodded at her response, not looking away from the untying of knots as he replied to her. "Okay," he said, lifting some small pouches so she could see the symbols he'd carved on them. They were of no language, but just symbols of a shape that allowed him to remember what plant it was. No one had taught it to him, but some herbs were very similar to others, and mixups could be fatal. "These are for very urgent situations. This one stops bleeding, and this one makes the wound heal better; they should be put directly inside the wound," he said, pointing to each of the pouches as he explained. "This one is good to reduce pain, and this one can make someone sleep if they are not calm and need to be. You boil them to make a warm drink. Though I'm sure the medics know how to use them; now you know as well." Bending down again, he picked up some different-looking packets with wooden bottoms and lifted them so she could see them. They had no markings. "These are finished ointments to use on wounds or scratches as they heal. It relieves pain and should be put around the wound, and not in it." Herbs were no use if they were not used correctly. He didn't doubt the abilities of the medics of the clan, but he knew that different cultures knew different herbs, and he took no chances. If they had not seen these herbs before, they wouldn't know how to use them. There were bandages in the bundle, too, but she would know how to use them. She had proof of enough injuries, at least. Bending down, he collected the bundle and tied it before handing it to her.


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