Figuring it all out

The silver-furred Russian was a simple fisherman—he was capable of hunting, of course, but trapping land (or air!) animals was not something he was accustomed to. He studied the structure carefully, his brilliantly-colored eyes roving over the complicated object. “Eet looks like quite the project, my friend. Do you need help with it?” the cloudy man asked, tilting his head to the side. He peered over the picture, whistling appreciatively—he was not much of a craftsman, and he did not think he was capable of making such an object. He was always willing to learn and always willing to help, though, and he wanted to make himself useful in this Cour des Miracles pack. Helping a packmate was just the perfect way to do that, but Rurik didn't want to intrude—if Niro thought that he would make more of a mess than he would help, the silvery Russian wouldn't be offended in the least.

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