And they say grown ups are no fun

WC: 306

Niro burst out laughing at the sudden commented question about his bird but he paid attention, smiling, as she asked him questions about the bird being food. Pups were quite funny without having to try to be. He had to take a few minutes to compose himself, before he cleared his throat.

No no, predators don’t really eat other predators, this bird, when he hatches and grows up, will becme a great hunter, and I’m going to train him to hunt with me, so… in a way I’ll have some good food in the future, just not the bird itself.

He chuckled, he could tell she was getting anxious, he was himself, he got up, what did pups do for games out here anyway? He only did a little pouncing with his sister but he was much too big to do that with this one.

I have been curious little one, I’m from another place, and had a book worm of a sister to play with, can you show me some games to play?

He was after all still a young one himself, and he had playful tendencies, although it felt so awkward asking her what she played. That made him feel extremely old to have to ask such a question. He knew what Orin wanted but they were twins, they played since they were born, her mostly biting his ear when they couldn’t even see, but that was something his mother told him when he was older, before he lost her and their dad. He knelt a little because he hated looking down on others, he’d rather let them look him straight in the eyes rather than the look up look down game, although he’d probably have to play that with Jac if he saw him again, which he was sure he’d have to.

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