Figuring it all out
OOC: Lily is an ok name, I like Samantha better or Cassidy (if I ever have another child, and it a girl I want to name her Casady)

He was delighted to hear his new Russian friend wanted to use one of his future birds. Rurik didn’t know how much that meant to Niro. He was definitely glad that he came here with his sister, or he wouldn’t be with new friends, he wouldn’t have this any of it.

You wouldn’t mind? That would be great!

Niro said at Rurik’s offer and picked up the hammer and held the wire into place.

Now put a nail here, here and here first. But don’t hammer them all straight in leave a little room till we go all the way around, just in case we make a mistake and have to pull them all out, it won’t be so hard.

Niro said, he pointed at the first few spots that needed hammering. he made the mistake of hammering all the nails in and making a mistake on his cages and learned from It too. He braced the wire for Rurik

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