Lake of Memories......
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Xeris heard Naiya's footsteps behind her and realized that she had probably come along as well. The white she-wolf gave the loner a confused look, but at the same time, an odd feeling struck her. In her youth, Xeris would probably have acted like this as well. She recalled the way that she had gotten caught trespassing on territory, almost two years ago, and then again the previous summer. Of course, by now she knew better, with the scars on her body and her Luperci status as reminders of what happened when one puts her nose where it doesn't belong.

Ty had pretty much said everything that was on Xeris' mind now; for the moment she remained silent. Where had this odd wolf come from? Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted, however, by a giggling sound. "Hee hee, you're funny! laughed Xion, appearing from the underbrush to observe the scene. Xeris shot a glance at her daughter. "You were supposed to stay away from the commotion, Xion." The mother wolfess sighed. It probably couldn't be helped. The child took after her mother's curiosity. Ty addressed her and she smiled warmly at him. "I've been doing pretty well. A bit busy, with three extra bodies to look after." At this comment she smiled and looked back at Xion, who had distracted herself by chasing a flying insect. Xeris couldn't help but grin at her child's antics, despite the odd conflict that had been going on. She eventually turned her attention back to the unfamiliar wolfess, looking her over and waiting to see what she would do.


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