
Dunno how detailed you guys are interested in playing this out. Lemme know if you think this pace is too slow and we can magically alter time for the jaw/collarbone stuff. Word Count: 436

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Jefferson said nothing, and Ember gave the question he had feared. There were things he could give her, but they might not work, or they worked slowly. By the time they were active, the whole ordeal would be over. It would be a worthless effort that he had no time for. The chief mirrored Jefferson's expression as he considered it for a moment, glancing from Ember to Jefferson to Geneva before nodding to himself. From his pouch he drew out a little package, which when opened contained whole dried flowers, once crimson red but now a warm brown. He handed four of them to the patriarch. "Boil these. As soon as the water is no longer clear, you can start slowly giving her drops of it on her tongue. Perhaps it will work in time." Too little and it wouldn't work at all. Too much and she would choke on the fluid, and the last thing he needed was her throwing up when her jaw was broken like that. Now that he had addressed this issue, he focused again on the patient, and mumbled instructions to Ember about holding her limbs or turning Geneva in this or that direction as he applied a long strip of bandage very tightly around her whole chest. It would keep her chest-bones in place, and it was necessary that it was tight. Moving on, he addressed the easier fractures first, and spent long minutes testing the various parts of her shoulder before he knew which way it would go. Finally, he pressed with one hand and pulled sharply with the other. The shoulder snapped and as Dawali carefully examined it again, he knew that he'd succeeded with this one. He maintained that low hum all the while, and now moved on to examine the broken arm. The easier fractures first, then the complicated ones. It was simply more time-efficient. He lifted Geneva's wrist and gave it to Ember. "When I say, pull it firmly towards you." His own hands held the other part of her lower arm, near the elbow, and he counted to three and pulled, feeling her bone snap into place. A few moments were given this fracture as well, to see to it that it had worked. Satisfied, Dawali now had the greater challenges ahead: the jaw and the collarbone. The jaw was so complicated, and while the collarbone was not, he had limited experience with such a severe injury to that bone. The medic continued to him and his face was blank as his fingers tested the area around the collarbone, mapping the injury in full.


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