
Good plan! Dawali is being blunt now. Stupid guy is stupid.
Word Count: 386

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

As he finished reeling off his instructions, the male felt oddly relieved, knowing that this dangerous encounter was at its end soon. He kept Kaena's gaze firmly as she replied to him, and he nodded thankfully when she repeated her promise not to tell. "Thank you, Kaena." In a sense, Dawali could not decide if he felt as if he was deceiving his tribe or just himself; as soon as he returned he would make the promise not to do something like this. The rules should not be different depending on your rank, but there it was; he had flaws, too. He smiled back at the coyote hybrid before starting to step back towards his horse. Experienced and working by habit, he tested and adjusted the equipment on her back before getting on, so he knew they would not fall off on the way back. From atop the mare, he waited a moment. "Let me know if you are in need of help, anytime." The tone of his voice made it quite clear that he was not speaking of Inferni, now. Or, at least, not only of Inferni, but also this female in particular. He had always been one to rush to his friends' sides in times of need, but she would probably know by now that he never could contribute with brute force. His skills were of the quiet and nimble kind. He greeted her again as he usually did, nodding in a sense, but a slow one, before he glanced around him and signaled for Belle to get moving. The male and horse turned and exited the lands of Inferni in a calm way, but Dawali would not relax until they were far south of Dahlia de Mai. Until then, he could feel many Dahlian eyes on his back, and they were not comfortable.


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