The Naming of Things
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psh, no need to be sorry! 300+

The bites from the swan were surprisingly painful and he winced as he tried to gently deflect the attacks. He knew that she was only trying to protect her eggs and he didn't want to hurt her in any way. If only he could make her understand that he didn't mean any harm to her or her clutch, but sadly he doubted that he could convey that to the enraged avian. Noir seemed just as surprised to see her friend so angry and for a moment he too thought it might be best if they just took off and left the swan and the eggs alone. But then the younger AniWayan came over and carefully grabbed and picked up the mother swan, carrying her away. When the swan was set back down it didn't rush back at him like he thought it would, but started in an agitated circle around them and the eggs.

Nayati rubbed his backside as Noir walked back over, his pale blue gaze watching the mother warily. He didn't want another pecking or he wouldn't be able to ride Iye for a week. As the girl spoke and turned the egg he saw that it had somehow been turned down where the hole wasn't visible. Birth never seemed to be an easy ordeal, not even from an egg. At least when mammals were born it wasn't the baby that had to do all the hard work, it was the mother's job. This was an odd dynamic that he had never considered before. "It does seem to be a lot of work," he agreed. Minutes passed again as the cracks in the egg grew and more and more of the little swan became visible. Just when it looked like it was about to emerge completely it tipped over and it's webbed feet wheeled in the air. Smiling softly the man carefully picked up the egg, placed hold over his palm and lifted the remains of the shell from the small newborn.

It looked up at him curiously and he slowly lowered his hand to the ground, both so that Noir could see, but also so if the little swan decided to jump off his hand it wouldn't fall from high up. ... bottom.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat; height:52px;">

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