Latent Talents

WC 367

She giggled musically at the little ‘Zafier is a single guy’ comment, and she glanced over to his form off in the clearing for a moment. Well, he was no knight in shining armor, but. . . maybe he had his charms. She giggled again and looked back to Ayita. “I wonder if there’s a library in Lunenburg. I would love to explore that little town. . .” She said offhandedly as she slipped out of the stable. The thought of a wet walk didn’t bother her much, but when Ayita began to shift she decided she would change too. She was getting much better at shifting since she had come to the Court, and enjoyed being able to utilize their natural skill more often. “Just a moment. . .” she said as she concentrated on shifting to her Lupus form as well. The transformation didn’t take nearly as long as it used to in the past, and when she was done, she felt pretty proud that they did not have to wait on her for too long.

She was petite in her Optime form, and absolutely tiny in Lupus. Her body was lean, as her Optime form suggested, and she was very light on her paws. Still very young, she was often very mischievous when in her Lupus form (not that she wasn’t in Optime), and so with a bit of a wolfish bark, she pranced up behind Zafier and nipped at his rump before dancing around him, giggling, and moving to Ayita’s side.

“So, where do you live? In the Chien Hotel, or do you have your own place? I have a room at the hotel for now, but. . . like I said. . . I’m hoping I can fix up that lighthouse soon.” She glanced over her shoulder at Zafier. “And could probably always use a little gentlemanly help, if you know your way around woodworking tools, that is.” She wasn’t sure if he would be all that excited to offer help to her, someone who was still a stranger, but they are in the same pack now, and his sister was so hospitable. She glanced back to Ayita, “Or maybe even you?”


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