disposably yours
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What a stupid question to ask. She had always been the leading lady; working actively to control the situation and wrap her subjects around her little finger. She cursed her crimson eyed uncle silently in her mind, as she usually did. It was so easy to put all the blame on him for her lack of confidence, but he was the one that had forced her to change. She had lifted herself up again, but while her body was in top shape she had realized that her psyche could not follow all the way. She felt so much better than she had, but she still felt vulnerable. Especially around this boy and she wanted to blame someone. Was it right to blame him? She should have stayed in her room and ignored the sound of shuffling down the hallway. Books were junk to her – she had never taken care to read much except for the manuals for guns. She was not amazing at it and it went so slow. Unless they had pictures and images that could help her on her way then they were mostly judged worthless to her.

Her hand took the book he offered and she wondered what she was expected to do with it. She wanted to toss it down on the floor and walk away. Walking away from uncomfortable situations seemed to be her specialty these days. Why was she angry? Why didn’t she know what to do? This boy made her feel useless and silly. She wanted to shout and swear to prove a point, but she was quite certain he wouldn’t get it. Of course he wouldn’t; he had not done anything wrong. The fault lied with her, but she did not want to accept that. Did Silas like books? She did not like that the answer mattered to her. She took a quick look at the title, but found that she was not interested enough to try to understand it. She liked listening to stories, but she did not have the patience that was required to read stories by herself. For a moment she almost decided to pretend to be interested in the book in an attempt to impress him, but the moment she realized this she felt anger rise hot within her.

He had said that he didn’t need it. Her fingers loosened around the hard cover and she watched the book fall towards the floor and hit the wooden floor. She liked how the black hair fell down in his face. ”I don’t read books, really,” she muttered. What she could like was some nice cloth or human jewelery that she could transform into even prettier things. Yes, shallow Halo enjoyed the thought of making herself and others pretty. She crouched down beside him and started to rummage through the books in search of something less dull (he had asked if she wanted a look, right?). She let her gaze dive into the chest as well, trying to push away the odd effect his presence had on her.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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