And they say grown ups are no fun
srry crappy trying to catch u from a week of nothing.


Amaranth smiled as she leapt up and her tail wagged. "Oh hey I don't know any games to play in this form" she said. Maybe they could make up a game or maybe the games like tag or hid and seek could be played like this too. she looked at Niro. "You've got to know some games." She said with a smile.

"My brother is a weirdo he's always with our dad. I hardly see him so I don't really mind having a sibling." She said. Looking at him though she remembered when they were younger and mommy and them would play. She smiled as she looked at him. She didn't care much about the bird or the fact that he was very weird still trying to hatch a bird.

He was a wolf wolves weren't birds but it didn't matter. Maybe they could hunt or race or of gosh she still didn't know what she could play or really do in this form. she looked at him with a puppish grin. 'I still don't know what we can play."

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