[M] Kokain
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Few could do what she did, but it didn’t have to mean that it was good. The girl was content with his reaction though and settled with that. She really wished she could create things similar to what the humans had managed to make, but she simply did not have what it took to reach that level. Her two hands were skilled, but materials from the human era was mostly ruined and without use. She was proud of the result as it was 100 percent hers, but she knew it did not match the human quality. She pushed the negative thoughts away and decided that Cotl should just be damn lucky she bothered to make him this gift. He should have gotten it the day where she announced that she would not be branded, but yeah, things had turned out differently than anticipated and it had not happened. She had wanted to rip the spiked bracelet apart back then and was happy she had managed to resist the violent urge to do so.

A small smile settled on her lovely face when he thanked her and she thought it could be fun to try a collar for a change. She let two cream coloured fingers trace her tooth necklace idly and let her focus linger on the foul taste in her mouth. How could anyone willingly drink this? It was the worst thing she had ever tasted. She put the bottle on the floor and did not offer it another glance. She swallowed disgustedly and hoped she would get rid of the aftertaste quickly. Ears danced on top of her auburn locks and she glared at the gasmask with doubt apparent in her ruby eyes. She did not like the thought of messing with substances that could alter her thoughts. It had been frightening to witness. Of course she was curious, but she was very sceptical to this. She had touched no bong nor gasmask so she wouldn’t know what to do.

Would she have to analyse and resist everything nonstop? She shrugged and crossed her legs as she made herself more comfortable in her seat. If she had to choose then she would want to go with the lightest stuff. There was no way she wanted to end up like Kaena had that evening when the pack gathered to celebrate Anselm’s birthday. ”Whatever you want I suppose. You’ll have to show me how to use it though.” Of course she regretted the moment she had spoken these words out loud. She wanted to be pure and untainted by the bad stuff.

Table credit: Marit(Dawali)


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