Where the heart is


Anann gave the earthen hued man a confused look. She would think he of all wolves would prefer to make a home suited for his size. Not something intended for the smaller humans that had left behind the musky relics. "Don't you tire of ducking though their low door ways? Most are low for me. Let alone someone of your height. You probably hit your elbow on the ceiling trying to scratch the top of your head." The smile still in place on her lips as she looked up at the man. "Besides, were I come from we have made our own building for some time. Most of the human buildings left standing are hardly with the work it would take to make them of any use." She looked over her little plot of land. Yes, she suppose she had finally decided this was the spot. She liked this spot, it felt so peaceful. "That and I get to decide exactly where home is."

Anann was caught completely off-guard by Anatoliy's retort. For the first few seconds she just simply gawked at the man unsure of she had heard her correctly. Then she laughed. "Now that is a first. Dainty. Never been called that one before. Although I suppose in the embrace of a strapping young man such as yourself, dainty I would be." Her smile becoming a something slightly more dangerous. Rather liking the idea of finding herself in the Russian man's arms. "Am I so dainty and delicate that you must come down to my level to get a good look?" She pouted slightly, disappointed that he had chosen to crouch down. She had rather enjoyed being cast in his shadow, so to speak."Actually, I know were Russia is. Well, I was taught were it was on map as a child. I don't know if I could actually find the place." She laughed. "It's a long way you've come then. I'm from the west about two thousand miles west of here. A place called Tosawi, also much different from this place." Getting a much closure look at the man's face now, she realized he was younger than she had first thought. Though not too young. Anann couldn't help but wonder if he knew how to fight and if he would be willing to spar with her. Though she had a feeling that getting him to not hold back would be troublesome.

Anann moved towards the trunk of the tree, sitting down and resting her back against the trunk. She hoped Anatoliy would come and sit by her, but she made no move to persuade him to such action. "My home land had become enveloped in a war. I left to keep out of the fighting. It was not a cause worth fighting for so I left to keep out of the fighting. How about you, what brings you so far from home?" It seemed many here had come from far and wide. Each for their own reasons. "Did you travel all that way by yourself?" Anann couldn't imagine how far it must be to Russia. She had never been to the ocean until she had come to souls. To thinking of traveling to a different continent seemed a bit much for a fresh start.


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