Where the heart is
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The house that Rurik had found for the three of them was small, not only in size but in height. Anatoliy had to bed over a little bit in the house since the ceilings were actually lower than his height, which meant that he was usually stuck at bending over quite a lot under the doorways. It was a pain, but the Russo spent little time in the bungalow. He only slept there and ate there, though he usually ate outside to avoid the claustrophobia that set inside that place at times. More often than not, Anatoliy only ever entered the house to his room from the back door, avoiding the kitchen and other rooms since he was so damn tall. Occasionally, he would venture in the living room to relax, but was mostly out and about the packlands.

Anatoliy figured it had been easier to find a house than to construct one, as the only people in the family really capable of heavy construction work was Rurik and his son. It was just a roof over their heads, so none of them had bothered. "Ah, yes. But vhat is that place for ozher zhen sleeping in? Ve can eat outside. It is more like a place for keeping zhings." The brunette laughed, remembering the last few times where he hit his head or arms on the ceiling. "It is a pain, but vhat am I going to do about it? Just get some bandages for zhe, ah, scrapes." And he had a few fading scrapes on his elbows from running them across the rough ceiling. "But zhe house was in good condition. Just needed a cleaning."

Brows furrowed at the language Anann used, slightly confused for a moment. Though he quickly figured out what she meant. "Anyone is dainty vhen beside me. I make my family look small boned." Oh, all the teasing he had endured at home from being heads taller than some of the older men. It was entertaining. "But you are a voman. You vould be dainty even a few centimeters shorter. Compared to me, of course." Then, chuckling after he had crouched, the Russo shrugged. "Vell, you cannot get to my level so vhy not?"

A look of surprise crossed the Russo's face. Several of the people he had met in the time he had been here had given him blank looks when he mentioned that country across the sea. Like no one had actually managed to look at a god forsaken map. Surely there were plenty remaining in this continent? There was an atlas back in Russia, but it could not have been that rare a find. "Zhat is a first." The place that Anann mentioned rang no bells for him, but he figured it was across the continent. "How different vas it zhere?" he asked, curious. "A var? Vhy is zhere a var?" Though he did applaud her for leaving that kind of situation instead of getting involved.

Anatoliy nodded at her question, explaining, "Yes. Actually, sort of. I fell asleep on a boat in St. Petersburg and woke in zhe Baltic Sea. Zhe told me zhe would be near here, so I decided to stay on zhe ship. Ah, I found my fazher and siblings so I stayed." The Russo flexed an arm, jabbing it. "Zhere were less muscles on my arms before zhen. Hard to believe, yeah?" He laughed, crossing his legs underneath him.

Table by Tammi

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