Living Life With No Sense of Time

WC: 500 on the dot!

Niro had missed her actual entrance, he was so deep in thought. This was how he was like Orin if something was bothering him he would bury himself in his thoughts and not emerge from it without interruptions like what Ruri had just done, by speaking his mind popped out of his interrogation of his brain and onto the form standing in the middle of the room. He blinked his surprise not saying a word at first then what she’d asked ingrained in his head, he was about to answer when she suddenly introduced herself, he smiled, he was use to these kinds of distractions. Another Ruri, well he’ll remember although one a fem and the other male, he’ll have to try and not get them mixed up on accident. But he could definitely tell this one was female from her scent. Then just as he was thinking about that her title came to his ears, She was a leader! He stopped his hesitation

It’s a pleasure to meet you! My name is Niro, Niro Takekuro, and uh I don’t know about the help, I’ve yet to find someone who knows much about birds and trapping them. See I’ve been having trouble with the trap I have set out, I’ve tried everything to entice the birds, I don’t know if the wire is too thick or the bait isn’t what they want… I just don’t know.

Once he started he couldn’t stop, until he remembered he was talking to someone who was a much higher rank and well, she didn’t need to hear his rantings. He looked at her, he could tell something was off about her, she looked there, an able wolf, but something about her stance her ears the way her head was cocked near him, looked alien. He’d never met someone blind so he couldn’t have imagined such a thing was possible.

I’m sorry you don’t need to hear my rant, I was saving it for my sister when she got up. I’m sure I’ll figure out what is wrong soon enough.

He said much more calm, he noticed he’d gotten up from his seat and was pacing again. He stopped as soon as he spotted himself doing it. He sighed still facing the she wolf, well the company was good. He loved seeing new faces. He wondered if he’d met the whole of the pack and laughed to himself, he seriously doubted that. Then he asked a questin that was itching at the back of his mind before he’d burst out in his rant

I know a dauphine is a high rank for the pack, but what does one do exactly?

his voice was now calm and inquisitive and then he forgot his own manners, letting himself blush through his fur, and moved aside

Have a seat first though please.

He motioned to the chair he’d been sitting in. it was right next to the fire so it was the warmest in the room

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