if you knew him then

Oh aha, i didn't read your ooc text before now! Sorry about that pm then XD

The cruel beast let it be with that, circling the intruder with the subtle taste of the first few drops of crimson staining his yellowing teeth slightly pink. A salmon tongue quickly darted out to take in the taste of his hybrid half-brother. It tasted of mortal vanity. The piercing words of the optime brushed against deaf ears. Haku was long dead and replaced by this twisted being that refused to follow such silly things like moral and honour. It was in the Dahlian beast’s best interest to have this nuisance disappear and he was certain it would. Phoenix Valley’s handicapped alpha could choose life or death, but death was coming closer with every passing moment.

Haku’s terrible blue gaze focused only on those knives. He would not bluntly charge again before backup was here. Perhaps he could force one of them to take the hits instead. Testing their loyalty could be fun. The Rosen was never afraid of wasting away lives – this was the reason why he was here, right? The secui instinctively reeled backwards when the man kicked after him a second time. He resisted the urge to shoot against the large optime form the moment the kick had reached as far as it could get, but he resisted it and continued to circle the male on safe distance and waiting for either a large mistake from his half-sibling or reinforcements. It would do good to have a few witnesses to see Phoenix Valley’s hostile leader. This pack was definitely the next one up on his list.

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