f*** the surgeon general's warning
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... tloops.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:400px; border:1px #5B476D solid; font-size: 10px; line-height:12px;">

Meghann is superslow! But she is determined to change that now that school is done, she is! =D 300+ words.

###It was fairly obvious that this man was not particularly interested in her, at least in the way that she wanted him to be. Lolita was, truthfully, a bit put off by the fact that he seemed almost uncomfortable with her compliments and possible advances, but she mentally shrugged it off. There really was no way that she could begrudge him the desire to be faithful to a mate he loved, just because she was not in such a position. If she were in such a position, she would have wanted to remain faithful, as well... Probably. There was no guarantee of that; the only person she could ever imagine feeling so completely for was as good as dead to her. Lolita held out no hope that she would ever see Pippa again, and that probably factored into her formerly promiscuous activity. It had slowed down immensely, though, it seemed, since her arrival here.

###Books were foreign objects to the woman, as her pack had not been literate and she had never taken the time to learn after her death. In fact, she could not recall whether or not she had ever even touched one of these books, and she certainly would not have known what to do with one if she had. "What about books do you enjoy?" she inquired lightly, very curious to know. She really saw no purpose in them. What use were things called 'words' printed in things called 'books' to her? No use at all, that's what they were. It was more than likely that she would never pick up a book, but she was curious to know what it was that others found appealling, as it was obvious that many did. At the subject of where she lived, the creamy Dahlian shrugged. "I have a tree in Dahlia, but I like to come here often, enough that I marked it. It's got memories," she added vaguely, "so I don't want it to be anyone else's."


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