Where the heart is

We can wrap this up soon if you want them to spar in a newer thread :o

Anatoliy rolled his shoulders, feeling a bit stiff after hearing the woman talk about preparedness. The bones cracked a bit as they realigned properly. He had not stretched properly in ages, forsaking his morning exercises like a lazy bumpkin. The Russo did not know much about sword fighting or using weapons, though, if forced, he would use them in self defense. "I am more about wrestling, since zhat is vhat I grew up learning. Maybe, some kind of martial art? I am not sure." Shrugging, shoulders moving more fluidly in their joins, the brunette allowed himself to relax onto his bones. He slipped from crouching on his feet to crossing his legs Indian style beneath him near the woman.

Not even a day at sea? This woman would never pass for a true Russo then! A Russo that did not love the sea, even to some extent, was a failure to the name of Russo, or at least a personal shame on themselves. Fishing and the ocean were basically the blood of his clan and it was the thing that he could connect with in every single member of his family, even if it was a dulled feeling in some. If a Russo did not feel this kind of love for the sea, they tended to be the indoor kind of Russo, studying to educate the growing fishermen, or helping to maintain the home. But life still revolved around the fish and the fishing. "But it is zhe best experience. It is a mystery. Vill you survive or vill you not? It is a zhrill!" The smile on his face betrayed his enthusiasm for the topic, despite his desire to never fish for a living. There was so much more to life than fishing, but the sea was not something his blood would ever let him forget. Fishing was to feed oneself, but being on the sea, ah. Exhilarating.

Anatoliy furrowed his brows, eying his stomach with deep scrutiny. "Positive?" he inquired, wondering if he was trying to be entertaining in all the wrong ways. He twisted to the side a bit, stretching out his light abs. Then the Russo sighed, relaxing back into his lazy slouch. "I vill take your vord for it." Anatoliy eyed the woman carefully with his golden eyes, wondering why she suddenly sounded nervous. He was unaware that his appearance and mannerisms were making the woman a bit uncomfortable, though he felt it was somehow because of him. He was just unsure of what it was. "It is not every day zhat you meet somevone as tall as me. I am very looming." Anatoliy messed up his word usage, but he figured he was understandable. To some degree. "And is not every day zhat I see a horse," he added, watching the large beast prance around, seemingly to mock the woman sitting before him. "Vhat is he up to?" he asked, curious. Horses were such strange beasts; they were so intelligent but could not speak their high language. And Anatoliy asked completely innocently, smiling lightly at Anann. "Does he alvays act like zhat?"

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