building houses out of matchsticks

OOC: Big GrinDDD


Cassius didn't know it yet, but he wasn't alone anymore. An adolescent was lurking just out of his sight. When the kid actually called out to him, he didn't expect it at all. He had been too distracted by the waves, the beach, and being bored. Boredom took up quite a bit of Cass' thinking space up in that big noggin of his. He was smart, sure, but he wasn't exactly the smartest. He jumped and spun around, surprised to hear some sort of voice coming from nowhere. "SuhWEEEET mother of Jesus! Now who'd been callin' out to me here? We got'sa ninja up o'er hur?" he called back to the voice, still looking for where the owner sat.

He peeked around and a smallish figure came into his sights. He seemed like a kid, but just bigger. Not like Mhkai, the annoying Lykoi, but sort of like Halo's height, but this was a male. He noticed a raggy looking scarf around his neck and his waving arm, so he assumed he was a friendly. "Well, howdy! I din't see y'all o'er theres," he noted shyly, rubbing the back of his head. "I reckon y'all scared me a l'il bit, but I'mma be fine. Y'know, I cin take it." He smiled at the kid and held out a hand for a traditional human handshake. "I ain't seen y'all a'fore. Name's Cassius Arphalos, but y'all can just call me Cass, I s'pose. What's yer name, kid?"

Word Count: 200+


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