I stare into this mirror
http://sleepyglow.net/rp/kae/erin_kaetablered2.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Omg, I love Sepi already. <3 510

The scarred hybrid had always been a fan of the night. She was not purely nocturnal, though she had entertained periods in her life where she was awake almost exclusively at night. Her sleeping patterns were truly erratic at best, though, and they had always been—sometimes she was given to sleep through most of the day and awaken at sundown, other times she would awaken at the crack of dawn. It was a wild swing; there was no generalized time she preferred to sleep. Since the encounter with Haku some months ago, the silvery coyote had been primarily nocturnal—daylight seemed too bright, exposing her flaws and wounds for the whole rest of the world to see.

It was nearly a year since she'd been back, now, but it felt like she had never left. The Malai canines were a distant memory, a dream—she might have imagined them. The silvery coyote had been attacked in October. That still felt like just yesterday—the war was a blur and it was useless, fruitless war. What had Inferni done save pester Dahlia de Mai while Haku had lead it? Thirty canines strong and they weren't even able to severely damage the pack. Most of the canines that had joined their ranks during that time were gone. The few good among them were dead. Hezekiah was dead, and the silver-shaded hybrid lamented this death. She had possessed high hopes for the canine, who had scarcely the time to grow up before he was whisked away to the afterlife.

Even so, the scarred canine could not lament too much. She had lost only Samael, and since the arrival of Mkhai, she knew him to be alive. He was somewhere, he was sick—the shaded coyote did not know where and even if she did, she knew nothing that would save him. Kaena was useless with anything medicinal, and she would only do more harm than good. The borders called her, and the silvery hybrid made her way from the caves where she lived to the outskirts of Inferni, walking quickly as she went. She was expecting more to enter their midst—strangers always entered Inferni in waves, many of them tumbling in at once and then none forever. It was some time before the sable canine detected a strange scent on the borders, and the coyote eased along its trail, her nose lifted to better seek it on the wind.

It was a few moments before she happened upon the shadow-furred canine, a rusty splash across her muzzle, reminiscent of the times Kaena had been able to see herself in a reflection of water or, even more rarely, a mirror. The hybrid looked on this with surprise, already suspicious—this was another small canine, appearing to be Mkhai's age. He had made no indication either way whether or not he had siblings, and the scarred canine halted a few feet away, her head already tilted, her single eye narrowed as she studied the small canine. “Is your father Samael?” the coyote asked.

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