[M] Imagine
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It was strange to experience the different impressions she made on the individuals she encountered. Some seemed untouched by her blessed, flawless face, and some reacted like this poor, young fool here. Was it the age that made them so different from one another? Her nostrils drew in the young boy’s scent, matching the fragrance of earth to that of the older hybrid she had encountered and threatened in the mall. She pondered if he detected the danger in her fur; the salt and the ash whispering the word that many wolves recoiled from. Coyote. She saw no recognition of those orbs; no warning of alarm. Caillen. He had been born when the breeze held warmth still – what a peculiar surname he held. The young Lykoi thought of her own, the one she had taken and replaced Soul with. A young soul of mixed spirits – had he made a choice as well in his short past? Has he sacrificed as Halo had? She could see his innocent face and the unfair answer. One of her first lessons had taught her that life was unjust. Fairytales weren’t real.

Air whistled through her slightly exposed teeth and she let out a little, musical laugh at his words. Of course he had something to give. She could clearly see the innocence of his rejecting her advances for what they were. It was unintentional – he did not understand what she referred to. He would soon enough though, because she would have to be the leading lady in this scene. He wanted her forgiveness and started acting really foolish. Poor imbecile, he was surely in need of some help. Her fingers grasped for his hands then, gently tugging at him to get up on both legs again. Her touch was soft, though not insecure as it could have been. It would be easy to play him despite her lack of recent experience. ”Shhhh, Caillen,” she purred lowly, pushing closer to him, her cherry gaze attached to his face.

Table credit : Chelsie(Ásmundr)[/html]

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