[M] Imagine

table © Alaine
ooc: ooo ahhh. am i going to need to label this as mature? B)

There was a moment, where her laughter prickled across his skin like the passing of a ghost, such an unholy sounds that made his animalistic instincts sharpen nigh painfully, and from his bowed head those sky-blue eyes dared once more to peer up at her ravishing sights. Never in his young life had Caillen seen a creature like this lady, and it was almost a certainty in his golden heart now that she was not of his plane of existence, not of the mortal, boring world that lingered still about them. But even the forest, in her presence, seemed to take on a life of it's own; the trees whispered restlessly, the lulling breeze carrying their secrets across his harks. But he didn't understand their language, and could not comprehend the warning they offered.

There was a slight moment from above, and he felt the touch of her hand like a live wire, felt every muscle in his young, lean body tighten in response. Instinctively, his head lifted up to her, and obediently, the man-child rose to his large footpaws. When standing, he towered over her pixie frame, and yet she managed to make him feel so small that it hardly mattered.

She purred his name, a throaty calling that had him going warm all over, a light blush creeping up to stain the skin beneath his ivory cheek-fur. The wolfdog's thick tail wagged nervously behind him, those owlish sky-blue eyes wide and unsure as they looked down at her. Oh, naive boy! the trees whispered amongst themselves, Oh, young fool!

She took a step to breach the gap between them, and like a skittish stallion, he took a step back, startled by the warmth of her body such that his mind nearly dropped away. Poor Romeo had no sense, here, no idea of what she requested from him, no knowledge of why his young body was responding so terribly. And, overcome by anxiousness, the young male bowed his head again, trying desperately to maintain his show of respect for the forest spirit.

" What... What do you want from me?"

His voice wavered slightly, but did not stutter this time, such was his earnest innocence in wanting to repay the sylph for her mercy.

Speak think walk


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