M - daydream milk and genocide.

This is worse. I win.

He had kept it clean and simple; held back when he severed the pale girl from life, but now he had a woman willing to give what he wanted. The taste of her was no less than he had expected – perhaps even better. There was something dark lurking in her blood and he ached to know who she was. Not even a name had been given to him, but it was not her name that he desired. It was her body; her blood, her life story and the demons she carried around with her. Desire burned on his tongue when hers slithered out to taste his. The male paused for a brief moment before continuing, cleaning up the wet, coppery area staining her snout. It was gone all too soon.

Perhaps it surprised him that she was still so willing. He had wanted her to be kicking and screaming as he ripped out her heart. That wish was quickly fading while a need was rising. His tongue was still burning from when it connected with hers, and he lifted two fingers to let the pair of claws run down the front of her throat, leaving crimson lines slowly swelling where the skin had been broken. He wished to remain there, close to her face, but could not disobey the quiet throbbing of a hungering heart. It had been his intention to take things in slowly and drown in the sensations she brought him. It was not who he was.

His touch was no longer soft as clawed fingers moved to her curved chest, drawing those same red lines as they ran over her velvet fur. He became dimly aware of soft fingers brushing against his thigh and let a soft rumble dance within the depths of his throat, but it was far from a command to stop. Haku had started to take what he was not given, but it was not a step he had to go through if the counterpart was willing. He wondered what made her see, but knew that his curiosity would be quenched in the end. Without warning the male bit down on her throat, letting the rough tongue follow the distinguished line of salt and copper, following it downwards to her breast as his claws continued to travel her body, always leaving bloody those tracks from sharp nails.

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