I stare into this mirror

Eee thank you <3 WC 639

Yes, the night had not forsaken her! She had faith in this evening and she was certain that it had chosen not to disappoint when she descried the distant, shadowy form of the coyote woman that rapidly approached. From a distance she could not discern the woman’s qualities, but paid heed to the delighted shudder that invigorated her in the woman’s presence; surely this would be her.

And she was not disappointed, for as Kaena drew closer and came to a halt a few feet before her, she stared into a face that mirrored her own in many ways. The contours of Kaena’s features were clearly an earlier generation’s whisper of her own, and linked mostly in the coyote-esque features though the predominant jackal blood within the girl lent to a leaner, more pointed facial structure than her grandmother’s, whose coyote lineage was sprinkled with the rounder features of wolf and dog. Yet their most striking similarities were not to be disregarded, for when she peered into the woman’s face she saw not only the same shocking yellow eye, but an identical blaze of russet fur lined their snouts.

Through the few similarities, the two faces were also in stark contrast. Where Sepirah’s countenance was small, youthful, and unmarred, Kaena’s visage bore the physical marks of a hard life. Sepirah could not help but wonder if these scars were a mark of weakness that spoke of the woman’s inability to protect herself, or if they were symbols of her strength, bearing testament to just how many battles she had fought and prevailed despite the odds. Before now, she had not perceived her grandmother to be a weak creature and her disfigured face came as a shock, though she quickly internalized her surprise and surmised that the blemishes notched within Kaena’s fur must be tales of her vigor and experience.

Sepirah inhaled deeply and stamped out any lingering doubt in her mind. There was a faint resemblance in the woman’s scent that ensured her that if this was not her grandmother, if this was, by some strange coincidence, just another coyote hybrid that looked strikingly similar to herself, that at least she was somehow vaguely related to the small jackal girl.

With her jaws firmly holding onto the offering she had brought for her grandmother, she was unable to respond immediately to Kaena’s inquiry. The woman had stopped a few feet from her, likely out of caution, though it quickly became apparent that her small frame would pose no match for Kaena’s experience. The only threat from the jackal girl that could even come close to harming Kaena would be her companion - the Egyptian horned viper coiled a few feet away - who she had already ordered to stay back until she could dutifully alert Kaena of his presence. One paw took a slow step towards Kaena, her head low but not meek, and she closed in a couple feet and dropped the heart at Kaena’s forepaws. She stepped back and turned her eyes to Kaena, searching for any signs of acceptance of the gift. It was only a sizable boar’s heart felled with aid from her companion, for Sepirah was yet still too small and too young to cut down any of the cunning canines here, though she still believed the gift would bring her grandmother strength.

“Yes,” she nodded. Despite the severity with which she spoke, she could not hold back a half-smile that cracked onto her maw. She understood that what she did now carried a significant weight on how she would be viewed by her grandmother, but with the youthfulness of this body’s mind, could not completely abate the splendor she felt in first meeting her grandmother. “I am Sepirah Jendayi Lykoi, daughter of Samael Lykoi and Djeserit Nephthys. Would you be Kaena... my Grandmother?”

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