Confusing Circumstances
Table by Frost.

OOC: 336 words; Sorry, in the middle of moving and having to work too

He liked animals. He just didn’t have much experience with them. But then again he didn’t have much experience with anything at all. He was young and so that was his excuse. Practically everything he experienced was done for the first time. So of course he didn’t exactly understand most things. He just lived his life one day at a time. He did what he thought was right until he was taught differently. Like he always saw plants in the ground. That was how they got bigger. So he didn’t understand why these weren’t in the ground. How were they going to get bigger if they weren’t in the ground? They couldn’t, could they? He didn’t see how it was possible.

It was while he was in the middle of trying to stand the plants back up in the ground that he got his answer as to why they weren’t in the ground. It wasn’t an answer that he understood exactly. The plants were released from his mouth to lay on the ground. “Someone meant to take them out of the ground?” He still didn’t exactly understand why someone would wish to do something like that. Why wouldn’t they want them to get even bigger? “It won’t grow more out of the ground.” And that was pretty much where his knowledge left off. He didn’t understand that if you didn’t pick it when it was ripe that it would just end up dieing. He didn’t even know what the plants were used for. But what he did understand was that the plants had to go back. So he picked them up into his mouth again and carried them into the storage shed to place them back where he had gotten them from. If it was done on purpose then he had to put it back where he found it or else he may end up in trouble. And he certainly didn’t want to be in trouble. He didn’t want his Mommy to be upset with him.


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