a saucerful of secrets
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j19/S ... ainbow.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat; width:375px; border:1px #AD0B12 solid; font-size: 11px; font-family: Verdana; line-height:12px;">

Slight pp... <3 Hope it's okay. And you can post again or archive, whichever you prefer!

     When Savina nudged her arm, Princess threw her arms around the Commander's neck and hugged her, an impulse she had not realized was there until it had already happened. At the very least, she hoped the hug would speak enough for what she was trying to convey; Savina had been such an incredible help to her and Princess was so grateful to have met her in the first place. She did not know what her life would currently be like if she had not met Ares here so many months ago. It was probable she would still be in Dahlia de Mai, and she probably would not have met Haven. Would she be happy? Princess highly doubted it, but then, if it had never happened, she would not know any different. There was no way she could imagine going back to such a life, now that she knew what was out there for her... Especially a life with Haven.

     Princess withdrew quickly, slightly embarrassed by her physical outburst. She smoothed out the skirt of her dress over her knees, smiling at Savina sheepishly. "I will... Thank you," she said again, standing and turning for the door. "I'll see you again, Savina," she promised with a smile, exitting the Commander's room much less quietly than she had entered.

Table by Me!


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