There's no other proof

It's all good! 300+ words.

Standing in the doorframe, Princess felt very uncomfortable, like she had just trespassed on some sort of party she had not been invited to. It was only the redheaded man there, but she still felt awkward. At least she was not the only one, because he seemed to be taken aback by her presence, as well. She felt his eyes on her dress and instead of feeling self-concious, as some might, she felt her natural confidence swell again, a slight cock to her hip and stance now. It was simply the way she was, far from self-concious or nervous on any normal day. Strelein had simply caught her unawares. "You didn't scare me," she corrected, "just caught me by surprise." It certainly would not do to have her new packmate think of her as some prissy little coward, like many thought of pretty young women. Princess was very far from that, despite her ridiculous namesake.

"I'm Princess Chance. I just moved here back in February, but I haven't really acquainted myself with the pack or its members yet," she added. It was sad, really, how few she actually knew. Those that she knew so far she had liked, generally. Obviously, Haven was her top priority. She loved him, even if she was nervous to admit it. Ruri had been sweet and she had liked her very much. Firefly had been mildly abrasive, but Princess had gotten along with her decently, despite the older woman's more recent and horrible encounter with Princess' wretched mother. From that encounter, though, at least Princess had come away with the knowledge that Firefly had passed on to her. She had one half-sibling, who looked just like his father. What she would do with that knowledge, she hadn't the faintest idea, but at least she knew. That was something, though whether or not it was a blessing or curse she did not know.

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