M - daydream milk and genocide.


Pleasure and pain were more closely related than most cared to acknowledge. It was love and hate, both their opposites being indifference. A touch could be soft or it could turn hard, sharp and lift the hazy clouds from a mind. Or it could offer more than that simple pleasure that most creatures preferred. All were blind; so ignorant that his blood fumed at the mere thought. He paid close attention to the shudder breaking through her, but she did not scream. A woman who was able to look upon death and remain sane. It made him wonder if the situation was taken seriously, but both knew that her life could so quickly be turned off with the right twist of his claws.

He was a distrustful creature – burnt so many times in the past when his true self still struggled to regain the remaining fragments of his previous, glorious self. His motions turned idle as she moved her hand and touched. His muzzle lifted slightly from her breast to let the twin blue orbs take in the face of the unknown woman. Her moving grip teased with his focus; drew mandatory strings that demanded his attention. The low rumble in his throat climbed the space between his half exposed teeth and escaped. After all, this body was mortal, and he was temporarily bound by it the flesh, vision clouded by its needs. He readjusted his position slightly, finding the base of her throat again and pressed his face against her dancing pulse; letting fangs groom through the exposed area.

Feeling his breathing climb, he found that he wanted to hear the same from her. The fingers trailing her inner thigh moved upwards, seeking the damp and inviting area between her legs with gentle pressure. He massaged her outer area gently, curious to see what felt good for her. What if he was to change the direction of this now? Was she still aware that he could cut into her and turn that combination of pain and pleasure into a blaze of horror? The pressure behind the moving fingers increased, sliding in between her silky folds, exploring her beautiful design with his touch.

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