wonder where I've been [j]

Ice bounced in her stomach, a usual sensation Night had started to abhor. Azure eyes watched the wolf with cold resolve. She wanted to lodge here in this pack again. Leaving hadn’t been her intention the first time, but that was part of her past and one that meant nothing to her. The sable girl didn’t move as she looked past the male wolf again, her eyes seeming almost blind when she stared lifelessly into the distance.

His words left no impression on her, maybe because to her war still had no definite meaning. Death didn’t really have one either. To her the act of dying was harmless enough. How could a creature know it was inflicting pain if it did not know pain existed?

The name of the old leader sprang memories into her hippocampus, swelling her brain with knowledge she thought was extinct. Her sinister smile curled onto her face again as she remembered her first time in the territory. All the images of dead things piling up in her unconscious seemed to come back to her in a rush when she thought of the late leader of Dahlia.

The eerie smile was gone as quickly as it came leaving the stoic she wolf staring back at the male with empty blue pits. Speaking was something she found ineffectual at most times, at the moment many questions were starting to spring into Nights mind. ”Who took his place?” her voice wavered with something akin to curiosity.


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