disposably yours


The book lifted from his grasp as Halo reached for it, and Silas let a warm smile play on his features. Hers, however, didn’t seem too inviting. In fact, she seemed as if she couldn’t be bothered by the book or the boxes of random crap he had drug into the hallway. Yet, she still loomed there, not retreating back into her room quite yet. And then, the book fell from her grasp and his cool gaze watched it as it clattered loudly to the floor. He stared at it for a moment, trying to read her action and find the meaning behind it. The book didn’t matter to him, but Silas felt hurt anyways. Maybe it was because he wanted Halo to be interested in what it was that he was doing, or maybe he just wanted a reason for her to stick around. Clearly his efforts to get her attention with this junk weren’t going to be enough. She just wasn’t interested.

But then, a glimmer of hope. Halo stooped from her full height and crouched down beside him, rummaging through the pile of junk. He couldn’t help but smile for a moment, before pushing it away. He didn’t want to seem too happy about it – didn’t want her to realize just yet. "Da, me either," he offered, referring to the book. He pushed some of the black hair from his eyes, but merely sat and watched as the Hydra went through the stuff. After a few moments he decided to ask, "Anyzhing good in zhere?" He was still trying to think of ways to keep Halo around and perhaps evolve their conversation into something more. He knew he needed to just get the nerves up to ask Halo to do something with him, but something about her made his brain go fuzzy when she was around. He couldn’t quite keep his cool as well as he normally could. Halo made Silas feel less than confident about himself – he just hoped he didn’t sound stupid.

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