red dragon masquerade

Thank-you! Good to be here Big Grin
      Krishna wasn’t waiting long, considering that she had fully expected to lie in this very spot for the night and attempt to round up some Z’s—but she was met with a penny-colored male, his violet eyes definitely the most captivating thing about him. She was staring, her own mis-matched eyes glinting subtly before she remembered he had spoken. She smiled absently and rubbed her raw feet, nodding slowly. You have no idea, she murmured, sighing before decidedly getting to her feet.
      She moved slow and deliberate, noting him as a pack member and completely unwilling to seem threatening in any way—though when she stood at her full height (all five feet, four inches of it), it was obvious that she could be little else than non-menacing to anyone. I’m Krishna, she said softly, wringing her hands in an almost nervous fashion. She wasn’t feeling quite comfortable with the prospect of asking for a home, but she didn’t think it would kill her to try.

table by magic mushroom.

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