The broken clock is a comfort

^-^ Yw! Then again, I clearly love all of yours so... XP And Mati's adorable, btw.
Wc: 576

Despite everything that weighed her down, despite everything that protested the action, the injured woman couldn't help but allow her tail to wag, the same tail that had been the sole thing protruding from the rubble that had buried her, causing this whole mess. She didn't doubt Mati's honesty, however, relating to what she'd said before, but waited until Mati had left Ghita alone on the couch before she allowed the doubt in her own body's ability to heal to be painted across her face.

The younger wolfess had spoken with such determination, if simple words and thoughts could make a dream so. The older fae was well weathered, however, knowing all too well the limitations of a determined spirit. Without one, a wolf becomes nothing more than a hopeless shell, but perseverance will only take a creature so far. And for Ghita, who'd overcome pregnancy, miscarriage, addiction, and pregnancy again, it seemed stupid, completely idiotic and a nutty cosmic joke to be so hindered by a building.

A small throb of pain in her hand caused the fae to look down at last, her turquoise eyes blinking in surprise as they settled on the body part. She hadn't noticed the way that her slender fingers had clenched the fabric so tightly, or how her paw had begun shaking until now, whole seconds after the moment had passed. With a mixture of sadness and guilt surrounding her mind, she released the fabric, letting it fall with a dissatisfied sigh. Getting used to the fact that Ghita would never be able to use her leg again was hard, and changing - something Ghita wasn't ever good at, and it left the woman shaky and vulnerable.

Donning her mask of steel once more as she heard the Church fae approach, Ghita smoothed the area around her down, looking as if she was simply fiddling with the blanket she had been given. Meeting Mati's eyes, she listened as the fae explained about the paper attentively, soaking up every possible detail about the new gift she was being exposed to. "I don't mind, thank you." Taking the pad in her paws with the stiffness from her ribs making her movement somewhat jerky, her greedy eyes drank in every sketch that appeared on Mati's pad, becoming enthralled with the art just like a newborn pup infatuated with her mother's smile.

Running her fingers over the sketches gently, as if they might break, the mother spent a silent moment looking at them, almost willing the drawings to leap off of the page and dance around the pair. To Ghita, it looked as if life had been duplicated into the page and flattened, the colour seeping off of the sheets and returning to the land of the sensed. To Mati, her drawings might look imperfect, old and ratty, but Ghita saw through the eyes of another world, a gateway to what she saw as a magical thing right in her very own paws. "I've never done this before, Mati... I don't even know how to hold a pencil right..." Still focused on what Mati had created, Ghita hid her shame from the younger Dreamer, burying her mind in the drawings that she saw before her. Mati had probably been holding a pencil since the day she was able to, but compared to Mati, Ghita looked like a bumbling invalid, unsure of where to go or what to do without a hint of guidance.

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